Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Walking Dead, and the moment after.

I literally just finished The Walking Dead by Telltale Games.

I just saw the credits roll five minutes ago. I've left the world of Lee and Clementine, and put to rest the people I left along the way. How do I feel? Empty...but I feel like that's a good thing.

The only other experience I've had with The Walking Dead is through the AMC show. My wife and I watch it, and we talk at length about this desolate world these people live in and the impossible situations they have to deal with. As I reflect on that experience, I compare it with what I just went through and they don't even begin to compare.

I chose who to save in a Macon Drugstore.

I decided, amongst women and children, who got to eat one day.

I put a man's brother to rest.

I decided what was best for a little girl in a world where I was all she had left.

This game is setting a standard for player choice. There has been player choice in other games, but this one is different. I think the subject matter has something to do with it, but where this game shines is how it reflects upon you as a person.

Lee doesn't have a whole lot of definition as a protagonist in this game. You know minimal details about his past, but the rest? You have to fill in the blanks. You fill it in with your goodness. Your moral fiber. The content of YOUR character. There's really not a whole lot of black and white here. Who is Lee Everett? He is who you are...and that's what matters.

Set some time to yourself. Alone. Play The Walking Dead.

Note: This game contains gore, violence, and harsh language. For any parent, please read the ESRB rating before playing any game.

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